The Facts About Vaping - No Smoking Day

8th March 2023

The Facts About Vaping - No Smoking Day

Did you know that vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking?  In fact since an extensive independent review in 2015, Public Health England, the NHS and Royal College of Physicians have all agreed that vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking. 

Despite the overwhelming evidence there are many misconceptions and myths around vaping, with around 66% of people still falsely believing that vaping is ‘just as bad’ as smoking, or that it isn’t an effective quitting aid. 

We’ve rounded up the facts (including sources!) to allow you to make an informed choice this No Smoking Day and give yourself the best chance of quitting smoking for good. 

“Vaping is a fraction of the risk of smoking, at least 95% less harmful, and of negligible risk to bystanders”

Public Health England

Since their initial review in 2015, PHE has published a further seven independent reports which have consistently reinforced the finding from previous years that vaping is a much less harmful alternative to smoking and represents negligible risk to those people nearby.

E-cigarettes around 95% less harmful than tobacco estimates landmark review - GOV.UK (
E-cigarettes: an evidence update - GOV.UK (

“Almost all harm from smoking comes from thousands of chemicals (such as tar and carbon monoxide) contained in tobacco smoke.  As vaping products do not contain or burn tobacco, these chemicals are either not present or are present at significantly lower levels”

Yorkshire Cancer Research

Four out of ten smokers and ex-smokers wrongly believe nicotine causes most of the smoking-related cancers, when evidence shows nicotine actually carries minimal risk of harm to health.  Although nicotine is the reason people become addicted to smoking, it is the thousands of other chemicals contained in tobacco smoke that cause almost all of the harm.

The truth about vaping | News | Yorkshire Cancer Research
E-cigarettes and heated tobacco products: evidence review - GOV.UK (

“in recent years, e-cigarettes have become a very popular stop smoking aid in the UK.  Also known as vapes or e-cigs, they’re far less harmful than cigarettes and can help you quit smoking for good”


The NHS fully support vaping as both a substantially less harmful alternative to smoking and an effective quitting aid – twice as effective at helping smokers quit than the use of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) according to a major UK clinical trial published in 2019, and 70% more effective according to the Cochrane Systematic Review which examined best-quality evidence from around the world.
Vaping is a quitting method recommended by the NHS and guidance and advice on switching from smoking to vaping is available on the NHS website.

Using e-cigarettes to stop smoking - NHS (

“The UK has one of the most comprehensive regulatory systems for e-cigarettes in the world”

Public Health England

Appropriate regulation is essential to ensure that e-cigarettes are as safe and effective as possible and to protect against uptake among young people.  The Tobacco and Related Products Regluations 2016 ensure that vaping products are subject to maximum standards of quality and safety, as well as packaging and labelling requirements to provide consumers with the information they need to make informed choices. They cover nicotine strength, health warnings, advertising, childproof packaging, and a ban on certain ingredients.

Vaping product manufacturers must provide the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), with detailed information about their product, including a list of all ingredients.

E-cigarettes and heated tobacco products: evidence review - GOV.UK (
Clearing up some myths around e-cigarettes - UK Health Security Agency (

“the most effective tool to help smokers quit”

Dr Javed Khan OBE, The Khan Review – making smoking obsolete

In his review published in June this year, Dr Khan recommended that the government must embrace the promotion of vaping as “the most effective tool to help smokers quit”. Dr Khan states “We know vapes are not a ‘silver bullet’ nor are they totally risk-free, but the alternative is far worse.” 

The Khan review: making smoking obsolete - GOV.UK (

“Vaping and smoking are not the same activity - vaping products have significant potential to help reduce the harm from tobacco caused to smokers, those around them and the wider society. Recognition of this should be at the centre of any smokefree policy.”

Yorkshire Cancer Research

The truth about vaping | News | Yorkshire Cancer Research

“No evidence to support concern that e-cigarettes are increasing youth smoking”

UK Health Security Agency,

UK surveys show that young people are experimenting with e-cigarettes, but regular use is rare and confined almost entirely to those who already smoke. Meanwhile, smoking rates among young people in the UK continue to decline.

8 things to know about e-cigarettes - UK Health Security Agency (

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